Soda User Service Agreement


The Soda User Service Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into by and between you, the Soda User ("User" or "You"), and the owner of the SodaAPP product ("Platform" or "Company"). ("Platform" or "Company"), and this Agreement has contractual effect. Please read and fully understand the terms and conditions, especially those that exclude or limit liability, as well as the separate agreement to open or use a particular service, and choose to accept or not to accept them. Restrictions and exclusions of liability may be brought to your attention in bolded form. If you are under 18 years of age, please read and fully understand this agreement carefully with your legal guardian and obtain the consent of your legal guardian to use the services provided by the Platform. If you are the legal guardian of a minor and wish to set a reasonable amount of time for your child's entertainment and develop healthy entertainment habits. Unless you have read and fully accept all the terms of this Agreement, you are not entitled to use the services provided by the Platform by any means. If you click agree, accept or next, or you register, use the platform game services are considered that you have fully understood this agreement and commitment as a party to this agreement to accept the agreement to be bound. If you have comments or suggestions on this agreement or the services provided by the platform, you may contact the customer service department of the platform, and we will give you the necessary assistance.

1 Changes and modifications to the Terms of Service The Platform reserves the right to change, modify, add or delete the terms of this Service Agreement at any time in the future at its sole discretion. All modified agreements shall form part of this service agreement. The Platform reserves the right to modify the Terms of Service at any time, and in the event of changes to the Terms of Service, the Platform will upload the most recently modified terms of agreement; when you use any service of the Soda Account, you shall accept the rules or instructions related to such service provided by the Soda Account from time to time, and such rules or instructions shall constitute a part of this Terms of Service. If you do not agree with the modifications to the TOS, you may voluntarily cancel the services you have received; if you continue to enjoy the services, you are deemed to have accepted the modifications to the TOS.

2 Service Description 

2.1 The Platform uses its own operating system to provide users with a wealth of online resources via the international Internet. Unless otherwise expressly stated, any new features, services, new products added for the purpose of enhancing or strengthening the current service shall be unconditionally subject to the TOS.

2.2 In order to use the Service, you must provide yourself with the equipment necessary to access the Internet, including computers, cell phones, PDAs and other access devices or other equipment necessary to receive the Service, and pay the fees associated with the Service.

2.3 The Platform shall have the right to stipulate and modify the general measures for the use of the Service, including but not limited to measures such as determining the period of time to retain email messages or other uploaded content, and limiting the number of messages that can be received by one account on the Service.

2.4 If you post, upload or transmit content via the Service, connect to the Service, violate the Terms of Service or infringe any rights of others and cause any third party to claim rights or subject the Platform to any form of fine or penalty, you agree to fully eliminate the adverse impact on the Platform in an appropriate manner, indemnify the Platform and its subsidiaries, affiliates, agents or other partners and employees and hold them harmless from any loss.

3Chargeable services 

3.1 Some of the services or applications provided by the Platform may involve payment, your payment is the cost of using the software services of the Platform, your act of entering your account number and password is regarded as the acceptance of the paid services, once you accept the paid services, you need to pay the fee according to the fee standard announced by the Platform.

3.2 The paid services you enjoy may require a one-time payment, and if you cancel the services in the middle of the day, the Platform has the right not to refund the payment.

3.3 The paid services you enjoy may also require periodic and multiple payments. Before the expiration of each paid service, if the user needs to cancel the service, he/she should propose to the Platform; if the user does not propose in time, he/she is deemed to agree to the automatic renewal of the paid service.

3.4 The rights and benefits you acquire after payment are not transferable to a third party.

4 Terms of use for minors 

4.1 If you are a minor under the age of 18, you should read and confirm whether you agree to this Agreement under the supervision and guidance of your parents or other guardians before using the services of the Platform, and your act of clicking to agree or continue to experience the services of the Platform shall be deemed to be an agreement to comply with all the contents of this Agreement.

4.2 The Platform attaches importance to the protection of personal information of minors. When filling in personal information, minor users are requested to strengthen their awareness of personal protection and treat it with caution, and use the Service correctly when guided by their guardians.

4.3 Minor users understand that if you violate laws and regulations, the content of this Agreement, you and your guardians shall bear all consequences resulting from this in accordance with the law.

4.4 Special tips for minor users 

4.4.1 Minors should learn to use the internet correctly under the supervision and guidance of their guardians within a reasonable range, avoid getting addicted to the virtual internet space and develop good internet habits, and guardians and other individuals who give their personal cell phones to minor users should strictly manage the payment passwords of bank cards, Alipay, WeChat and other internet payment tools, and the Platform shall not be responsible for any losses caused by negligent supervision. The platform will not be responsible for any losses caused by negligence.

4.4.2 Minor users are aware and agree that the Platform will impose certain restrictions on the acceptance and use of the Services by minor users for the better protection of minors, including but not limited to restrictions on the use of the contents of the Services, restrictions on the use of the Platform's fee items, and restrictions on the amount of recharges on the Platform.

4.4.3 In order to better protect the privacy rights of minors, the Platform reminds users to be cautious in releasing content containing minors' materials. Once released, users are deemed to have agreed to the Platform's display of minors' information, portraits, voices, etc., and to allow the Platform to use and process such content related to minors in accordance with this Agreement.

5 Users shall comply with the following laws and regulations 

You agree to abide by the provisions of the relevant laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China and not to infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of any third party when using your Soda account. In any case, if the platform has reasonable grounds to believe that the user's behavior may violate the above-mentioned laws and regulations or infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of third parties, the platform may terminate the provision of services to such user at any time and without prior notice. Users should understand the borderless nature of the international Internet and should pay special attention to comply with all relevant local laws and regulations.

6 User privacy and user information protection 

6.1 When the Platform requires you to provide information related to your personal identity, it shall disclose its privacy protection policy and personal information utilization policy to users in a clear and obvious manner in advance, and take necessary measures to protect the safety of users' personal information.

6.2 Subject to your compliance with the requirements of this Agreement, the Platform will fully protect the user's enjoyment of personal privacy. The Platform will not provide, disclose or share the user's name, valid personal identification number, contact information, home address and other personally identifiable information in the user's registration data to any third party without authorization, unless for the following reasons: 

a) where the user or the user's guardian authorizes the Platform to disclose; 

b) in accordance with the requirements of relevant laws and regulations; 

c) Judicial or administrative authorities based on legal procedures based on legal procedures required to provide; 

d) To maintain the safety of individuals and the public in society; 

e) the need to safeguard the public interest of society; 

f) To safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of this website; 

g) Obtain prior express authorization from the user; 

h) Other reasonable and relevant requirements.

6.3 The Platform may collect personal information from users in providing the Services, and the Platform will explicitly inform you that the information is usually limited to cell phone numbers, and for the purpose of providing better Services, the Platform may also collect and analyze your technical information and usage status, such as user device identification (e.g. IMEI code, MAC address, etc.), login and logout time, IP address where you are logged in, geographic location, and in You hereby authorize the Platform to obtain and reasonably use the aforementioned information, as you need to access your photo album, microphone, camera, etc. for certain functions and services. The Platform is committed to complying with legal requirements and the Soda Privacy Policy, except for disclosures required by law, or disclosures that are not reducible to the original personal data (e.g. statistics based on "big data").

6.4 The Platform will collect, use, store and share your personal information in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement and the Soda Privacy Policy. If this Agreement does not explicitly provide for the protection of personal information, the contents of the Soda Privacy Policy shall prevail.

7 User account use and storage 

7.1 The Platform has the right to examine whether the identity information provided by the User's registration is true and valid, and shall actively take reasonable measures such as technology and management to ensure the safety and validity of the User's account; the User is obliged to keep its account and password properly, and use its account and password correctly and safely. If any party fails to fulfill the above obligations and causes damage to the civil rights of Party B and others due to the loss of the account password or theft of the account, the party shall bear the legal responsibility arising therefrom.

7.2 The user has the right and responsibility according to law for the actions arising from the account held after logging in, and the platform shall not be responsible for any loss or damage derived from such actions.

7.3 You shall end the use of your account at the end of each connection, otherwise the user may not get the security protection of Soda account. If you find that your account or password is illegally used by others or there are abnormalities in the use, you shall promptly notify the Platform in accordance with the processing methods announced by the Platform and have the right to notify the Platform to take measures to suspend the login and use of the account.

7.4 If the Platform takes measures to suspend the login and use of the user account based on your notice, the Platform and the Platform shall have the right to request and verify the valid personal identification information consistent with its registered identification information.

7.4.1 If the Platform verifies that the valid personal identification information provided by the user is consistent with the registered identification information, it will take timely measures to suspend the login and use of the user's account.

7.4.2 The Platform has the right to reject your said request if you do not provide your valid personal identification document or if the personal identification document provided is inconsistent with the identity information registered.

7.5 When the user provides the platform with valid personal identity information consistent with the registered identity information in order to safeguard his legitimate rights and interests, the platform will provide the user with the necessary assistance and support such as proof of account registrant and original registration information, and provide relevant evidence information materials to relevant administrative organs and judicial organs as needed.

7.6 The Platform prohibits users from trading Soda accounts, and if such circumstances arise, the Platform has the right to recover the Soda accounts traded by users, and if there is still a recharge balance or other virtual items when the account is recovered, it will be immediately cleared and shall not be realized any cash in the Platform or offline, for which the Platform shall not bear any responsibility. The platform shall not be responsible for any dispute caused by the user's trading of Soda account.

7.7 The Platform shall not be responsible for any personal information leakage, account theft, fraud or any dispute caused by you informing others of your password or sharing your account with others.

8 Storage and restrictions on user information 

The Platform is not responsible for the deletion or storage failure of the information posted by the User under any of the services of the Soda Account. The Platform has the right to judge whether the user's behavior is in compliance with the provisions of the Soda Account Terms of Service, and if the Platform believes that the user has violated the provisions of the Terms of Service, the Platform has the right to delete the information posted or sent by the user until the service is interrupted or terminated to him/her.

9 Prohibited user behavior 

9.1 upload, post, send or transmit any illegal, obscene, pornographic, vulgar, coercive, harassing, libelous, defamatory, invasive of others' privacy or slanderous of others' reputation or goodwill, other information or emails that violate national laws and regulations, socialist moral codes and are inappropriate, including but not limited to information, materials, text, software, music, photos, graphics, messages, videos or other information (hereinafter referred to as content).

9.2 To endanger minors in any way.

9.3 Impersonate any person or institution or falsely state or cause to be mistakenly associated with any person or any institution in a false and untrue manner.

9.4 falsify headers or otherwise manipulate identifying information in such a way as to give the false impression that such content is delivered by the Platform.

9.5 upload, post, email or otherwise transmit content that it is not authorized to transmit.

9.6 upload, post, email or otherwise transmit content that infringes any patent, trademark, copyright, trade secret or other civil right of any person.

9.7 Uploading, posting, emailing or otherwise transmitting advertising communications, promotional materials, junk mail, etc.

9.8 Interfere with or disrupt the Service or servers and networks connected to the Service, or fail to comply with the provisions of this Service Agreement.

9.9 Violation of any relevant Chinese laws, rules, regulations, ordinances and other legally binding norms.

9.10 Stalking or otherwise harassing others.

9.11 Stealing passwords, accounts and other digital information or property of others.

9.12 Any other conduct deemed inappropriate by the Platform.

9.13 The platform has the right to review the content contained, posted and sent by the user, and the platform has the right to immediately delete or block any content that violates the laws and regulations or the relevant provisions of this agreement, and no further notice to the user is required. The Platform will not tolerate objectionable content or abusive behavior of users.

9.14 Soda account blocking rules 

(1) Ignore the national regulations and use illegal words or uncivilized words or illegal characters in the name, game character name and other places.

Penalty rules: depending on the severity of the circumstances to give a time limit to freeze the account of the penalty; serious cases, to give a permanent freeze of the penalty.

(2) Involving intrusion, interception, destruction, copying, modification of game programs, as well as the promotion, hawking and use of various auxiliary programs or vicious illegal programs, i.e., the use of plug-in programs, or the promotion of plug-in programs in the game.

Penalty rules: depending on the severity of the circumstances to give a time limit to freeze the account of the penalty; serious cases, to give a permanent freeze of the penalty.

(3) To deceive or cheat other users by any false form, such as publishing imitation official and virus websites, unofficial winning information, illegal advertisements, game codes, Trojan horses, plug-ins, viruses, pornographic information, spam and other information.

Penalty rules: depending on the severity of the circumstances to give a time limit to freeze the account of the penalty; serious cases, to give a permanent freeze of the penalty.

(4) Post illegal websites, advertise or use self-service, game codes, Trojan horses, plug-ins, viruses, pornographic information, spam, illegal advertisements, etc. through Soda accounts.

Penalty rules: depending on the severity of the circumstances to give a time limit to freeze the account of the penalty; serious cases, to give a permanent freeze of the penalty.

5) Posting words that violate governmental laws and regulations such as: sedition, reactionary, obscene, violent, racist, religiously discriminatory, etc. through the Soda account, containing the reverse writing of such related words.

Penalty rules: depending on the severity of the case to give a time limit to freeze the account of the penalty; serious cases, the penalty of permanent freezing, and reported to the relevant departments to pursue their legal responsibilities.

(6) Propaganda or trafficking in bugs, attacking the operation of the server, making personal profit, affecting the fairness of the game, and affecting other players to play the game normally, etc.

Penalty rules: After verification, the account will be suspended and all illegal items will be removed; depending on the severity of the circumstances, the penalty of time-limited freezing of the account; in serious cases, the penalty of permanent freezing.

(7) Theft or participation in the theft of another person's account, causing serious damage to the person whose account has been stolen.

Penalty rules: after verification, depending on the severity of the circumstances to give a time limit to freeze the account of the penalty; serious cases, to give a permanent freeze of the penalty, and reported to the relevant departments to pursue their legal responsibilities.

8) Insulting, slandering, obscene, threatening, abusing other users, distorting facts, maliciously spreading false rumors, maliciously influencing the game environment and other acts.

Penalty rules: depending on the severity of the circumstances to give a time limit to freeze the account of the penalty; serious cases, to give a permanent freeze of the penalty.

9.15 You are aware and acknowledge that the misconduct mentioned above does not exhaust all the situations prohibited or restricted by the Platform, and that any illegal, infringing or socially offensive behavior including the above misconduct is prohibited and/or restricted by the Platform, and you promise to strictly comply with and approve the management and punishment rules of the Platform. In addition to its own review and management, the platform may also manage the users concerned based on complaints, reports, letters and requests from any other third parties (including management and restriction measures in accordance with the management requests of the cooperating guilds for the registered users), if you are the managed user and have objections to the management actions, please contact the complaining party or the reporting party or the letter or the requesting party or the guild requesting management in time and resolve the disputes. If you have any objection to the management actions, please contact the party who made the complaint or report, the party who wrote the complaint or the party who requested the management or the guild who requested the management and resolve the dispute. You are aware that the management behavior of the platform is to comply with the law and maintain the internal order of the platform, and does not constitute a breach of contract or infringement, and the above review and management behavior of the platform does not indicate any assistance, approval, facilitation or responsibility of the platform for your personal behavior.

9.16 If your account is permanently frozen or suspended due to the review of the Platform or the Platform's management measures in accordance with the third party's complaint, report, letter or petition, and your registered account still has remaining unconsumed top-ups, please communicate with the Platform in a timely manner to refund the matter, and if you do not update your refund account after confirming the refund, the Platform will return the account in accordance with the original top-up path.

9.17 Special prohibitions on the conduct of users, including enrolled users: 

a) You shall not publish any place on the platform involving political text, pictures, voice or video to promote bad and inaccurate information, or publish pornographic text, pictures, voice or video anywhere on this platform to promote pornographic websites.

b) You may not buy or sell gifts on the Platform with other users or third parties and trade them in real money such as RMB.

c) shall not direct others to spend money offline on the Platform or on the basis of matters related to the Platform if they know or should know that they are minors or other persons with incomplete civil capacity or incomplete civil rights.

d) Do not engage in any conduct that is detrimental to the rights and interests of consumers or other legitimate rights and interests.

e) You shall not expressly or implicitly use the Platform for inappropriate purposes by means of ambiguity, romance, etc., or induce users to spend money based on inappropriate purposes by means including promises/concocted rhetoric of offline meetings.

f) It is prohibited to use the Platform to participate in or lead others to play with gambling nature, including the private use of real currency currencies such as RMB as a settlement transaction tool.

Notwithstanding the administrative provisions or prohibitions of this Agreement and the corresponding administrative/processing rules, the perpetrator should be aware that if the Platform finds or is reported by a third party to have violated the circumstances, the Platform will take the treatment not limited to permanent banning.

10 Content and its disclosure 

10.1 You undertake to take full responsibility for the content uploaded, posted or transmitted via the Service; in any case, the Platform shall not be responsible for any content provided by any user, including but not limited to any errors or omissions in any content and any loss or damage derived therefrom, and the user shall be responsible for any and all disputes related to the content provided by him. The Platform has the right to refuse or delete any content provided through the Service in accordance with the laws and regulations and the requirements of administrative and judicial authorities. Users shall use the above-mentioned content at their own risk.

10.2 The Platform has the right to preserve or disclose Content if 

a) Required by legal process. 

b) These Terms of Service provide that. 

c) The infringed third party makes a claim. 

d) To protect the rights, property or personal safety of the Soda account, its users and the public. 

e) Other circumstances deemed necessary by the Platform.

11. Electronic bulletin board posting content 

11.1 "Electronic bulletin board" means an area that includes spaces, game circles, SNS communities and other areas available to the general public; 

11.2 Once you upload or post the content on the electronic bulletin board of the Service, you shall be deemed to have granted the Platform a free and non-exclusive, perpetual license to use the copyright of such content, and the Platform shall have the right to reproduce, modify and publish the aforementioned content for the purpose of displaying, disseminating and promoting the aforementioned content. The losses or profits arising from such display, dissemination and promotion shall be borne or enjoyed by the platform. The platform has the right to decide independently whether to give encouragement or reward.

11.3 You shall be solely responsible for any damage or loss arising from any third party claims or derivative action as a result of your making such uploads or postings.

11.4 You may not reproduce, sell or use for other commercial purposes any content uploaded or posted on the electronic bulletin board or other content of the Service by others without the prior permission of the Platform.

12Soda account service usage rules 

12.1 You undertake to ensure that you own the copyright of the uploaded photos, text and other works or have obtained legal authorization, and that your uploading on this website does not infringe the legal rights of any third party. Otherwise, you will bear all the legal responsibilities arising from this; you shall not upload, post, or otherwise transmit any internal information, confidential information, information relating to the privacy of others, or content that infringes on the patent, trademark, copyright, trade secret or other exclusive rights of any person.

12.2 You promise not to use the Service to intentionally create or transmit computer viruses and other destructive programs, or create interference or confusion against the Service, servers or networks connected to the Service, or violate any requirements, procedures, policies or rules of networks connected to the Service, otherwise the Platform will reserve the right to pursue legal responsibility and has the right to submit them to the relevant authorities for processing.

12.3 The Platform has the right to review the content of your uploaded pictures and added text, and the Platform has the right to immediately delete or block any pictures or text that violate the laws, regulations or the relevant provisions of this Agreement without any notice to the user.

12.4 You undertake not to upload, post, email or otherwise transmit advertising communications, promotional materials, junk mail, etc.

12.5 The Platform solemnly draws your attention to the fact that any information, text, photos, graphics, videos, messages, user registration data or other data (hereinafter referred to as "Content") uploaded, posted or sent via the Service, whether publicly or privately transmitted, shall be the responsibility of the provider of the Content. The Platform has no control over the Content transmitted through the Service and has no overall control over the User's use of the Service, and therefore does not guarantee the legality, correctness, integrity, authenticity or quality of the Content; the User anticipates that when using the Service, he/she may be exposed to objectionable, inappropriate or objectionable Content and agrees to make his/her own judgment and assume all risks without relying on the Platform. However, in any case, the platform has the right to stop the transmission of any of the aforementioned contents and take corresponding actions according to law, including but not limited to suspending the user's use of the service in whole or in part, keeping relevant records and reporting to the relevant authorities. However, the Platform has the right to refuse and delete any content that may be provided through the Service in violation of the Terms and Conditions or otherwise objectionable to the Platform or the User in accordance with its own considerations.

12.6 You fully understand and agree that the Platform shall not be liable to anyone for any third party's uploading of their text or image works to the Soda Account Space without the User's knowledge or consent and for any possible infringement of their rights arising therefrom.

12.7 The Platform shall have the right to delete the contents uploaded, posted or sent by the User at the request of the government authorities or right holders, regardless of whether the Platform is notified in advance.

12.8 The Platform has the right to withdraw the domain name of the space used by the User or reduce the size of the space used by the User according to the needs of the service, regardless of whether the Platform has notified in advance.

13Soda game circle / square rules 

13.1 About user names and nicknames 

a) Do not use the real name, font size, stage name, or pseudonym of party and state leaders or other well-known persons as user names and nicknames; 

b) Do not use the names of state agencies or other institutions as user names and nicknames; 

c) Do not use user names and nicknames that are similar or similar to the names of other users; 

d) Do not use uncivilized, unhealthy, or offensive or insulting usernames and nicknames; 

e) Please do not use usernames and nicknames that are likely to be ambiguous and cause misunderstanding by others; 

f) No odd symbols of any kind may be used as usernames and nicknames; 

g) For violating the rules or produce adverse consequences of the user name and nickname, the site has the right to delete without prior notice.

13.2 About personalized signatures 

a) No information content that promotes reaction, feudal superstition, obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terrorism, abetting crime, etc. that does not comply with national laws and any information content that contains racial, gender, religious discrimination and obscenity; 

b) No insulting words, provocations, insults to others and unhealthy content; 

c) Content of an advertising nature and links to websites other than our own shall not appear; 

The platform has the right to remove the signature content that violates the above provisions without notice and explanation, and to block the number of serious cases.

13.3 About publishing content 

a) comply with relevant laws and regulations, and strictly prohibit the publication of content that violates laws and regulations and socialist moral regulations; 

b) Use civilized language and refrain from posting personal attacks, abuse or denigration against anyone; 

c) Not to publish unpublished and unconfirmed news; 

d) Not to publish news, remarks and pictures that are not related to the subject of the game circle in which they are located; 

e) Without the consent of the Platform, no content of a commercial nature or advertising of any kind shall be published, and no links to websites other than the Platform and its affiliates shall be published; 

f) shall not publish content that promotes reaction, feudal superstition, obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terrorism, abetting crime, etc. that do not comply with national laws and any content that contains racial, gender, religious discrimination and obscenity; 

g) not to publish content that infringes on the copyright, copyright and other intellectual property rights of others; 

h) Do not post pictures that are not related to the theme of the game circle; 

The platform has the right to delete content that violates the above rules without notice and explanation, and to block accounts for serious cases.

14Soda account game rules 

14.1 You shall abide by the Game Convention, the Player Code and the rules and announcements of the Game issued from time to time; 


You shall not use the game products and services of the Soda account or participate in the game activities of the Soda account through improper means or other unfair means. You shall not interfere with the normal provision of products and services by the Platform, including but not limited to: attacking, invading or overloading the Platform's web server; making, releasing, distributing, or using any form of auxiliary tools or programs (plug-ins) that interfere with the fairness of the game; using bugs and errors (bugs) in the program to disrupt the normal conduct of the game or to spread such bugs or errors (bugs); unreasonably interfering with or hinder others from using the products and services provided by the platform.


In order to maintain the fairness of the game, if the platform finds that the user data is abnormal, regardless of whether the user is at fault for the abnormal data generation, the platform has the right to take corresponding measures according to these rules, game conventions, player codes and game announcements issued from time to time at a later stage: including but not limited to the freezing, termination and deletion of the account; the user hereby undertakes that the platform has the right to take the above actions and undertakes not to The user hereby commits that the platform has the right to take the above actions and undertakes not to request the platform to do any compensation or refund for the above actions.

14.4 The Platform hereby specifically reminds the User that 

The games provided by the Platform will be provided as-is, with the User being expressly aware of the existence of known and unknown bugs and errors (bugs) in the games. Although the Platform will use its best efforts to address known bugs and errors (bugs), the User knows or should know that the game may still contain unknown bugs and errors (bugs), etc. The User agrees not to claim any compensation from the Platform and its affiliates for any bugs and errors (bugs). The Platform does not promote transactions between virtual items and does not provide support and protection for any issues arising from such transactions.

15 cell phone features description 

15.1 You should be aware that the real-time location service provided by the Platform will provide your real-time spatial location information to you and your non-specific Soda account friends.

15.2 You may choose to import the Buddy Chain corresponding to your cell phone address book to your Soda Account, but the Platform ensures that no information outside the Buddy Chain (including the names of your Friends and any other relevant information) will be imported.

15.3 The Platform will store the Friend Chain in an irreversible and encrypted manner, so that neither the Soda Account nor any of your friends will be able to access your real Friend Chain and real cell phone number.

16 Intellectual property and other rights of the Platform 

16.1 The Platform shall have the corresponding rights to the Service and the software used in the Service and the materials protected by laws related to intellectual property rights or other laws.

16.2 The content transmitted via the Service is protected by copyright law, trademark law, patent law or other laws; without the express authorization of the Platform, the User shall not modify, rent, distribute or derive other works, except for the content created by the User and posted in the public use area.

16.3 The User has a non-exclusive right to use the Software used in the Service, but may not itself or license any third party to copy, modify, sell or derive products from it.

16.4 The Soda Account and other Soda Account graphics, product and service names are trademarks of the Platform and its affiliates, and may not be used, copied or used for other purposes without the prior written authorization of the Platform.

17 Disclaimer 


The Platform does not guarantee the accuracy or reliability of any content, information or advertising contained in the Service or obtained by the User through or from any means in connection with the Service; and the Platform is not responsible for any products, information or materials purchased or obtained by the User through advertisements or displays on the Service. The use of the Service is at the user's own risk.

17.2 The Platform reserves the right to improve or correct any omissions or errors in any part of the Service.

17.3 The Platform does not guarantee the following (including but not limited to): 

a) The Service is suitable for the user's usage requirements; 

b) The Service is uninterrupted, timely, secure, reliable or error-free; 

c) any products, services or other materials that you obtain through the Service meet your expectations; 

17.4 You use any information downloaded or obtained through the Service at your own risk; you are solely responsible for any damage to the system of your cell phone or other device or loss of information resulting from such use; 

17.5 The Platform shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages for loss of profits, business reputation, data or other tangible or intangible losses arising out of: 

a) The use or unavailability of the Service; 

b) any products, materials or services purchased or obtained through the Service; 

c) Unauthorized use or modification of user data; 

d) Loss or deletion of user data; 

e) Other matters related to the Service.

17.6 You will use your own judgment when browsing the Internet by using the search directory of your Soda account. The search directory may lead users to websites that are considered offensive or inappropriate, and the Platform is not able to view the content of the websites listed in the search directory and therefore cannot be held responsible for their correctness, legality or legitimacy.

17.7 The Platform is protected and bound by relevant laws, regulations and protection regulations such as intellectual property rights, and the content transmitted, published and displayed on the Platform belongs to the original author/rights holder. Without the consent of the original author/rights holder, the user shall not reproduce, modify, adapt, translate, compile and upload for publication or commercial use in whole or in part without the consent of the original author/rights holder. If the original author/rights holder of the content of this platform does not want to publish the content on this platform, please notify this platform in time to delete or restrict the publication.

17.8 Based on your strict compliance with this disclaimer, the Platform provides you with services such as uploading, publishing channels and information storage, the Platform does not make any modification or editing to the content published by you, you should use it carefully and take responsibility for the published content. The platform does not guarantee the safety of the content posted by the user, you should keep the original copy by yourself, and the platform will not be responsible for the loss of the uploaded content due to any reason.

17.9 The content of this platform does not represent the views of the platform, is for reference only to the user exchange, does not indicate that the platform to any of your behavior based on the guidance and advice. Therefore, any dispute arising from this platform has nothing to do with this platform. The links or other pointing contents released in this platform are not the resources controlled by this platform, and this platform does not guarantee the authenticity, legality, integrity and safety of such, you should judge carefully, and this platform will not be responsible for any loss caused by using or relying on the contents of the links.

17.10 The content published on the Platform is for display and communication between you and other users. Unauthorized storage, reproduction or commercial use may violate the legal rights of others.

17.11 The Platform may be temporarily interrupted, delayed, omitted and other abnormal states due to hacker attacks, computer viruses, government control, failure or malfunction of internet hardware and software equipment of telecommunication departments, or other websites linked to the Platform cause data leakage, loss, theft or tampering, etc. The Platform shall not bear any responsibility.

17.12 The Platform has the right to use the content uploaded by you or other users for the purpose of promoting the Platform without paying you any fees or bearing any responsibility. The Platform shall have the right to mark the Platform's logo when promoting the content posted by you.

17.13 You shall keep the personal information that may be involved in the use of the Platform in a safe place, and you shall be responsible for any leakage caused by providing the information to others for use, etc.

18 Modification and termination of services 

18.1 If you publish illegal information, seriously violate social morality, or otherwise violate the prohibitions of the law, the platform will immediately terminate the services provided to you.

18.2 If you commit improper acts while receiving the services of the Platform, the Platform shall have the right to terminate the services provided to the user. The specific circumstances of the improper behavior shall be clearly agreed in this Agreement or belong to the prohibited behavior that shall be terminated by the platform clearly informed in advance, otherwise the service shall not be terminated to you.

18.3 If you provide false registration identity information or commit acts in violation of this Agreement, the platform shall have the right to suspend all or part of the services provided to you; the platform party shall notify you of the suspension measures and inform you of the suspension period, which shall be reasonable, and the platform party shall resume the services to you in a timely manner upon the expiration of the suspension period.

18.4 If the Platform Party suspends or terminates the provision of part or all of the Services to You in accordance with this Agreement, the burden of proof shall be on the Platform Party.

19 Notice 

The notice sent to you by the Platform may be in the form of e-mail, page announcement, regular mail, telephone or any other form the Platform deems appropriate. When the Terms of Service are modified or other matters are changed, the Platform will notify in the above-mentioned forms.

20 All agreements 

This Service Agreement and the other Terms of Service of the Platform constitute the complete agreement.

21 Application of law and jurisdiction 

The laws of the People's Republic of China shall apply to the entry into force, performance, interpretation and dispute resolution of these Terms of Service. Any dispute arising from the use of Soda or other disputes with the Company arising from the performance of this Agreement shall be submitted to the People's Court of Tianhe District, Guangzhou for settlement.

22. If a clause in this service agreement is invalid because it contradicts the current laws of the People's Republic of China, it will not affect the validity of other parts.

23. Effective conditions 

This Agreement is effective from the moment the User accesses, browses and uses the Soda account.

24 Contact 

If the right holder finds that the content published and displayed by the user infringes your legitimate rights and interests, please promptly notify the platform of your rights, send proof of ownership, specific links and detailed proof of infringement to [], service hours: 9:30-18:30 (Monday to Friday, except legal holidays), and the platform will be happy to deal with it.